Sakunam / Shakunam / Sagunam (omen)
Before undertaking a journey, it is common in some parts if
Good Omens (nalla sakunam/nalla shakunangal):
- Overhearing a pleasant conversation, hearing of musical instruments.
- Seeing a good blaze of fire, an umbrella, fans, mirrors, a harp, diamonds, gold, weapons, fruit , flowers, bangles, Curd, raw rice, honey, cow’s ghee, lead, sulphur, metal filter, ringing sound of a bell, lamp, lotus, uncooked fish, meat, sweets, group of dancing girls or young women, elephant, horse, bullock, corpse, two Brahmins (Brahmans), Sudra holding a stick, a cow with rope, and many more.
- Hearing the braying of an ass from the east, south, north or north-east.
- Passing of a crow, parrot, stork, heron, or a jackal from left to right.
- Passing of a kite, hawk, owl, iguana, deer, musk-rat, dog, or mongoose from right to left.
- Crying of a lizard from right or from overhead.
- Dreaming a corpse, blaze of fire, flowers, or fruit.
Bad omens (Ketta sakunam / Ketta shagunangal):
- Seeing a widow, new pot, whirlwind, drops of rain, bundle of firewood, single Brahmin, oil-monger, pariah, lame man, men quarrelling, men in suffering, buttermilk, oil, empty pots, grass, bones, bundle of dirty clothes, handicapped person , blind, salt, donkey, pieces of rope, broken vessels, screaming sounds, deep yelling, sneezing, cursing, shivering, falling and many more.
- A black cat running or jumping across.
- Seeing an ass either to the west, the north-west, the south-west or the south-east with its head hanging down and braying.
- Seeing a crow, parrot, stork, heron, or a jackal pass from right to left.
- Dreaming red colour.